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Can I Treat Urinary Incontinence with Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Can I Treat Urinary Incontinence with Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Have you ever laughed so hard that you had a little bladder leakage? Have you felt a sneeze coming on and had to stop and cross your legs so you didn’t dribble a little? Or worst of all, have you had a cold or allergies where constant coughing made you lose control of your bladder? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then you are experiencing an annoying condition called urinary stress incontinence. There’s great news, though! Urinary incontinence can be treated with vaginal rejuvenation!

What Is Urinary Stress Incontinence?

Urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine. It can be caused by stress factors such as coughing and sneezing. It often happens during or after pregnancy and is also commonly associated with obesity. It also occurs more often during menopause because falling estrogen levels can make the muscles weaker. While there are other types of incontinence, stress incontinence is one of the more frequently diagnose types.

How Can I Treat My Urinary Stress Incontinence?

There are an array of treatments proposed for urinary stress incontinence including Kegel exercises, medication, devices to insert in the urethra or vagina, and surgery. However, one option that has become increasingly sought after is vaginal rejuvenation. Not only does it treat stress incontinence, but it has many other benefits for women’s vaginal health. It treats stress incontinence, urge incontinence, looseness of the vaginal wall, vaginal dryness, and lack of sensation/sex drive.

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for you by meeting with one of our knowledgeable providers at Skinatomy Laser Clinic for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

How Does It Work?

At Skinatomy Laser Clinic, we use Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation. It involves the use of a treatment wand that is attached to a table top unit. The wand emits tiny pulses of cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency (CMRF). This radiofrequency energy heats vaginal tissue which causes it to contract. This tightens the tissue as well as stimulating new collagen production. Patients begin seeing results in 30 days with full benefits appearing in about 90 days. New collagen will continue to be produced for up to 12 months. The treatment itself takes only a single session that lasts approximately one hour and since it is non-surgical and painless, patients can resume their normal daily schedule immediately after their treatment.

Patients often schedule maintenance treatments once each year to maintain their amazing results.

Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Right For Me?

If you are suffering from stress urinary incontinence, urge incontinence, looseness of the vaginal wall, vaginal dryness, and/or lack of sensation during intercourse, then you are a candidate for vaginal rejuvenation. The best way to have all of your questions answered and to find out if vaginal rejuvenation is right for you is to schedule an in-person consultation with your physician.


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