A typical chemical peel treatment takes about 45-60 minutes to perform and you should start seeing results after about 2 to 3 weeks, with final results visible within one month. You may need more than one chemical peel treatment to see ideal results.
After a chemical peel, you should anticipate having a red and slightly swollen skin for approximately one week. You’ll also notice some scabbing as the skin dries and flakes away. You’ll need to wear sunscreen after your procedure to help protect skin against UV rays.
IPL PhotoFacial:
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light therapy. It is a treatment that can even out skin discoloration, reduce hyperpigmentation, get rid of freckles, and even improve rosacea. IPL PhotoFacial works by delivering pulses of light to the dermis; this light energy breaks down pigmentation, leaving behind a smoother and clearer-looking complexion. The light energy is able to penetrate both the surface of the dermis and the deepest skin levels, which helps create results that last for longer. With the IPL treatment, specific discolored cells can be treated without damaging the surrounding skin
Treatments will take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes for each IPL PhotoFacial session. Patients may need up to five IPL PhotoFacial treatments to achieve their ideal results, but this varies depending on the patient’s individual needs. Patients will begin to see results within a few weeks with final results appearing several weeks after the last treatment. This procedure is generally non-invasive with little to no recovery time.