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What Is An IPL Photofacial?

Some of us were born with freckles. Some of us have spots from prolonged exposure to the sun. Hyperpigmentation comes in many various forms, and no one likes to look at uneven, spotted skin tone. If you are trying to get relief from the appearance of hyperpigmentation, facial veins, enlarged pores, or even scarring, the IPL Photofacial can help.

The IPL Photofacial

The IPL Photofacial, also known as IPL Photorejuvenation is an Intense Pulsed Light treatment that is used to create a smoother and more even skin tone.  The IPL treatment can help repair sun damage, reduce the appearance of age spots, liver spots, sun-induced freckles, and can eliminate spider veins. This treatment can also reduce the appearance of scarring, enlarged pores, and blemishes. 

A broad spectrum of light is transmitted through a small handpiece that is placed over the skin. The light energy penetrates the tissue targeting specific cells without damaging the cells around it.  The targeted cells absorb the energy, the energy turns into heat, and the heat destroys the cells to prevent them from regenerating. The body’s own natural processes then remove the injured tissue from the skin leaving younger and smoother looking skin in its place. 

The number of treatments is dependent on your skin condition and color. Patients may need 3 to 5 IPL Photofacial treatments in order to see their ideal results. These treatments are usually spaced 4 weeks apart and patients will begin to see improvements in their appearance about 2 to 3 weeks after each IPL Photofacial procedure.

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for you by meeting with one of our knowledgeable providers at Skinatomy Laser Clinic for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

Will There Be Any Downtime After the IPL Photofacial?

There is no downtime with the IPL Photofacial, but patients may experience minor redness and peeling after the treatments. The skin will also be extremely sensitive to the sun’s UV rays, so it is recommended that sunscreen be worn when going outdoors. Otherwise, clients can return to their normal schedule of daily activities without missing a beat!

The IPL Photofacial is a great way to care for your skin and develop a healthier, more even skin tone. You will be able to face each day with renewed skin and renewed confidence!


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Take The Next Step

As you can see, we have a great treatment that may be right in helping you reduce hyperpigmentation and produce a more even skin tone.  Are you ready to try an IPL Photofacial? If so, we would love for you to take your next step and call the professionals at Skinatomy Laser Clinic to schedule your complimentary consultation. We can help you choose the treatment that is perfect for you. Fill out the form on this page or call us at (416) 901-9392 (Toronto) or (905) 949 9198 (Mississauga). We look forward to helping you become the best you possible!

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