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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

For some people, acne comes and goes without leaving a mark. Many people, though, are left with acne scars that make their skin look rough or uneven. Often accompanied by hyperpigmentation, these scars can affect your confidence and are often too deep for over-the-counter treatments to have much effect. Your team at Skinatomy Laser Clinic offers a range of acne scar treatments, so we can customize your treatment to meet your needs. 

What Causes Acne Scars?

Almost all of us experience at least a few breakouts, but not everyone develops acne scars. Factors that affect whether you develop scars include the severity of your acne, your skin type, and your body’s natural tendency to form scar tissue. Deep cystic acne is more likely to leave scars, but some people develop them from even relatively mild breakouts. Inflamed acne is also more likely to cause scarring. It can also cause a form of discoloration called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

If acne scars make your skin look uneven or feel rough, getting rid of them can significantly improve your confidence. Thanks to advanced treatment methods, you no longer have to live with frustrating scars from past breakouts. 

Fraxel® Skin Resurfacing

Laser treatments are a first-line option for many types of acne scars. Fraxel® is a customizable laser treatment that treats the deep layers of skin where it can treat issues textural issues like lines, wrinkles, and scars. It triggers new collagen formation to smooth your skin’s surface from within. At the same time, it breaks up scar tissue and leaves the area softer and more even. 

ProFractional™ Laser

The ProFractional™ laser also smooths and resurfaces the skin by triggering rejuvenation in the deep layers of the skin while bringing fresh new skin cells to the surface. It is safer than most other lasers on dark skin tones, making it an option for those who have not been able to benefit from other laser treatments for their acne scars. 

Fractora RF Microneedling

Microneedling uses tiny needles to create channels in the skin that trigger a healing response. Fractora adds radiofrequency (RF) energy that heats the deep layers of skin to trigger collagen production. Microneedling is an effective way to break up scar tissue and achieve a smoother, more even surface. It also improves pigmentation issues and skin firmness. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a versatile treatment option that can be adjusted to your skin type, treatment goals, and lifestyle. They remove layers of dead and damaged skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter-looking skin. Along with being an effective way to treat acne scars, regular chemical peels are an excellent way to control oil production and prevent future breakouts. 

Dermal Fillers

If you have pitted or sunken acne scars, dermal fillers may be recommended. These treatments are injected into these problem spots, where they add volume, lifting the scar to the level of the rest of your skin. While dermal fillers are not permanent, they offer a quick and easy way to improve the appearance of deep, sunken scars. 


This minor procedure improves the appearance of acne scars by using a needle to release the scar tissue beneath the skin. Separating this scar tissue softens the appearance of the scar and triggers a healing response that produces new collagen to lift and smooth it even more. Treatment only takes a few minutes per scar. While this treatment is very effective, it is only useful for certain types of scars.

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for you by meeting with one of our knowledgeable providers at Skinatomy Laser Clinic for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

Is There Any Downtime After Acne Scar Treatment?

When choosing your acne scar treatment, we will develop a plan that aligns with your lifestyle and how much time off you can tolerate. Most of our treatments require little to no downtime, making them convenient for almost anyone. Your treatment plan is built on your input, so it always works for you. 

The most common effect of laser treatments and microneedling is temporary redness and sensitivity. The downtime after a chemical peel depends on the strength of the peel, and dermal fillers generally require none. Your aesthetician will discuss what you should expect and how to care for your skin after treatment. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Acne Scar Treatment?

If you have acne scars, we have treatment options that will work for you. Good candidates have reasonable expectations and understand that getting rid of these scars is often a process that can take several visits. All types of acne scars can be treated for significant improvements. You may not be a candidate for some treatment options if you have certain skin or medical conditions, but we will find choices that work safely for you. 

How Many Treatments Will I Need to Get Rid of Acne Scars?

The number of treatments needed to get rid of your acne scars varies widely. Factors that affect how many sessions you will need include:

  • The type and severity of your acne scars
  • The type of treatment or treatments used
  • The intensity of each treatment
  • Your skin’s unique response to treatment

Many people will benefit from three to six laser or microneedling treatments. The number of chemical peels needed depends on the strength of the peel. Dermal fillers typically have to be repeated every one to two years. Subcision is usually permanent. During your consultation, we will assess your skin and estimate the number of treatments you may need. 

How to Prevent New Acne Scars

While some people leave acne behind during their teenage years, many of us still struggle with it as adults, and it can create new scars. We will work with you to develop an acne control plan that helps you keep your skin clear and prevent new scars from forming. Chemical peels are a popular way to keep acne under control and maintain clear pores, but laser and microneedling treatments also help keep your skin clear. We also recommend medical-grade skincare products targeted to acne-prone skin as part of your daily routine. 

If you do develop an acne blemish, you can help prevent a scar by cleaning the area with a gentle cleanser, applying a topical treatment if recommended, and avoiding any touching or squeezing. If you have concerns, reach out to our team for recommendations and assistance.


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Take The Next Step

Are you ready to learn more about how to treat acne scars? If so, we would love for you to take your next step and call the professionals at Skinatomy Laser Clinic to schedule your complimentary consultation. We can help you choose the treatment that is perfect for you. Fill out the form on this page or call us at (416) 901-9392 (Toronto) or (905) 949-9198 (Mississauga). We look forward to helping you become the best you possible!

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